u2022u2060 u2060u2060Assess childu2019s safety and ability to resume activity u2013 ideally child should return to classroom activity as soon as possible
u2022u2060 u2060Notify parents of event if requested
u2022u2060 u2060Record in communication log or seizure event diary
u2022u2060 u2060Important for child to stay in school after an event to minimize adverse effects of PNES
u2022u2060 u2060Encourage child/youth use relaxation or distraction activities, but do not do the activity with them
u2022u2060 u2060Avoid giving extra attention – event will pass quicker in a quiet environment free from extra stimulation
u2022u2060 u2060Do not call EMS for clearly defined PNES unless injury or other medical problems occur