Our Courses
This comprehensive library of courses is for health professionals who are looking to grow and solidify their knowledge of PNES to work effectively and safely with patients who carry this diagnosis. We invite you to browse the items below. You will find a wide range of courses on various topics, including specifics on adult and pediatric treatments, working with schools and families of children who carry this diagnosis, treating special patient groups (e.g., adults who are dually diagnosed with PNES and post traumatic stress), and how to ensure seizure safety, among others.

Psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, nurses, educational staff, and other professionals will find courses that are tailored to their specific needs. The courses are designed to help stay up-to-date on the latest advancements, improve patient care skills, and, in the future, prepare for certification.
Each course is taught by instructors who are experts in this field. The courses are structured so the learners can learn at their own pace; they can be paused and searched to easily find subsections to rewatch. Each course includes learning points and a quiz at the end so the learners can test their knowledge of the key points of what they just watched.
With this library of health professional courses on non-epileptic seizures, learners will feel much more confident and knowledgeable when they next meet with their patient diagnosed with PNES and will be a well-informed resource able to answer their patients’ questions.
The prices for these courses has been set low to make them available to as many learners as possible while also covering the cost of web management.
List of courses by categories:
Enjoy our Free course: Introduction to the History of PNES

Introduction to the history of PNES
Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) have existed for millennia, known by various names like hysteria, conversion disorder, and functional neurological disorder. Different theories about its causes and treatments have emerged throughout history. Understanding this complex history helps avoid past mistakes while advancing our knowledge and treatment approaches.