Treatments for children diagnosed with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES)

This section offers a variety of psychotherapy courses to treat youth diagnosed with PNES.  The goal is to provide clinicians with the knowledge and skills necessary to work effectively, safely, and confidently with pediatric clients who have non-epileptic seizures. 

Below, you will find a comprehensive list of online and on-demand course topics that are part of this section (check back regularly because the list will be expanding):

  • How common psychotherapeutic tools can be modified to treat PNES
  • Diagnosing PNES
  • Working with Families: Part 1
  • Return to School -Introduction
  • PNES in School: Practical tips

Benefits to Taking these Courses

  • Increased knowledge and skills for working therapeutically with a young patient who has been diagnosed with non-epileptic seizures.
  • Increased confidence when working with these patients. Clinicians will feel better prepared in the event of a seizure during a session and will have the necessary information to be able to respond to questions that parents, caregivers, school staff and patients may ask.
  • Practical tips for assisting patients in returning to functioning. Assisting caregivers in returning to work/activities that have stopped due to PNES
  • Learn to use clinical tools aimed at reducing symptoms, improving functioning, and treating underlying emotional disorders that can co-occur with PNES.

Characteristics of these Courses

  • The courses were designed to be relatively brief yet comprehensive. They can be paused and resumed on demand, and sections can be viewed out of order if necessary.
  • The cost of the courses has been kept low in order to make these as accessible as possible to students while also covering the cost of managing the website.
  • All courses are taught by professionals who are specialists in treating psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES)

Pediatric Courses:

Return to School – Introduction

PNES in Schools: What is it? How does it happen? Who needs to know? The school can become an important aide in promoting return to “normal” as well as assisting the family in connecting with information to better understand the diagnosis and treatment.


School Practical Tips

The primary goal upon returning to school is being succesful in managing episodes at school. Learning and social interaction will come but that should not be the main focus.

Non Epileptic Seiszure Education

Please come back on February 17th to gain access.